
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

LIVE: My Faux Trophy Wall

So the wall above my couch has been an on going source of torment for me.  I could never quite decide what to put on it... so I just didn't put anything on it.  Then my obsession with faux taxidermy started forming and the answer revealed itself to me... A TROPHY WALL.  Now I love this wall, but I never get to see it because it's behind my head.  You will occassionally find me standing in the doorway to the dining room just gazing at my trophy wall.  No, not really, but I do love it.  We're currently working on redecorating the living room.  At the moment there are lots of bright colors in it and I'm toning it down, going for a more natural look.  The trophy wall is step 1 to accomplishing this look.  Step 2 is shopping for a rug!  (which is a nightmare to me).

Anyway... here's my trophy wall and a little portion of my living room.

The 2 paper mache heads (rhino and zebra) I got on super clearance from Anthro!  The 3 small ones on black plaques were an estate sale find.  They were originally very tacky and colorful, but a little bit of paint went a long way!  I added the fun golden masks to spruce things up a little.  The big porcelain deer head is from a local decor shop that I frequent.  And of course, the dinos tutorial can be found here.

At first the deer and zebra weren't framed, but I felt the wall lacked some cohesion and adding those seemed to pull everything together.

This is just a bonus because they're too cute and were prancing in front of my photo shoot.  I thought they deserved some attention!
I'm so pleased with how this turned out!  And the best part is that there's still room for more!  My husband laughs every time I buy another animal head, but, oh well.  I kinda love them.

I'll be sharing parts of my house sporadically.  Jen has been bugging me to share my closet with you.. it's actually more of a "dressing room" since I took over our spare bedroom to use as my closet.  So, that may be next!


Check out our link party page to see where we link up each week!


  1. This looks amazing! LOVE it! I am into all the taxidermy stuff as well right now! Pinning this! Would love it if you would link this up to Give Me The Goods Monday: 1 Party, 5 Blogs!
    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  2. This is so fun! Love how you transformed them and the creative way you added frames! did you you use a certain kind of paint?
    also love your adorable four footed furry helpers- I have some of those

  3. This is very fun - especially the dinos. But I think my favorite is the zebra head. I might try one of these in my studio and see how it looks. Btw, love the pillows on your couch - awesome :) Where did you get the "love you" pillow?

  4. This is FABULOUS!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

    Thanks for linking up! I featured your post in my wrap up

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  5. This is great! I featured it on so everyone can enjoy it!

  6. I LOVE this wall. It is a shame my house is SO not cool enough for this. I am totally sending a link to my sister who is totally cool enough for a wall like this. Pretty sure it will make her pinterest board immediately!

  7. Wow. This is cool. Would love to have you share this at What to do Weekends also. LOVE the name of your blog, too. Ain't that the truth? Linda

  8. I love the deer with gold!

  9. I'm drooling - LOVE it! Pinning! :)


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