1. Connor and Papa 2. Fire truck
3. Marching band 4. Flag wavers
5. Green fire truck 6. Old car
7. Santa! 8. Haley and her candy cane
The big day is next week! I'm sure this weekend will be packed with present wrapping, last minute shopping, and lots of holiday parties for everyone. I haven't wrapped any presents yet, so you know what I'll be doing :)
We've had so many fun local events going on in our city lately. Have I mentioned how much I love my city? Pittsburgh is such a tight knit, family-focused city. There's always something to do here, especially during the holidays. We recently went to one of the local parades and the kids had a blast! There wasn't a lot to it, but nothing beats free hot chocolate and cookies and a parade of local bands, vintage cars and trucks. Connor was hooked on all of the fire trucks and old cars that went by. He's been really into toy cars lately, so it was really fun to see how amazed he was when he saw them in person!
Shannon and I will be taking a little break next week to celebrate Christmas and spend time with our family. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas holiday. May yours be filled with family, friends, and joy.

Merry Christmas Jen & Shannon!!! :) Enjoy your much deserved break and have a wonderful holiday!