I know many of you may be looking for a last minute Christmas idea (or maybe you just forgot to pick up a teacher or neighbor gift!) so I wanted to share a project that I made for just those occasions.
If you're like me, you probably have a bunch of tins leftover from past Christmases. I have a whole stack of them, but I can't bring myself to throw them away. And, in all honesty, many of them are....well, ugly. I had some neighbors and friends I wanted to give goodies to, but I don't really want to give them a tin with a cartoon horse wearing a Santa hat on it. Instead of tossing my beloved tins, I used Picmonkey (my favorite online editing program) to make some printable tin labels to put on top!
You can download the printable labels HERE. They fit tin lids that are 6 inches in diameter.
Just print them out on cardstock, cut out (I used my CAMEO but you can cut them by hand), then use double sided tape to adhere them to your tins!
After that, it's all about what kinds of goodies you want to fill them with :) My go-to Christmas cookie has always been Oreo truffles which, if you didn't already know, are addictive little balls of crushed Oreos and cream cheese mixed together and covered in chocolate. Ah-mazing. You can't just eat one. It's an unspoken rule.
In addition to a "Merry Christmas" tin label, I also made a "Thank You" printable with room to write below it. (PS sorry, but I have little boy handwriting. I never developed that pretty, cursive-y handwriting all girls seem to have. I'm nearing 30 and I've accepted the fact that it'll never happen.) As always, please remember that all printables are for personal use only, and are not to be sold.

Love these tin labels but when I downloaded the Thank You label it is showing Merry Christmas. Can I get the Thank You (terry.dawson@capital.k12.de.us) Thanks!