Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Photo Wrap-Up

1. Yummy donuts 2. Kettle corn at a local festival 3. Cute cow
4. Connor and the piglet 5. Horseback riding 6. Fish
7. Concert at the rib festival 8. Enjoying some ice cream 9. A summer favorite

Summer is winding down around here, so we're enjoying it while it lasts. That means going to lots of local festivals, farmer's markets, and eating as much fresh corn and watermelon as possible! We had a fun time at a local wing and rib fest this past weekend and ate our weight in ribs (well, I did anyway, Shannon is a vegetarian :) We're doing our best to pack in as many fun summer events possible before the weather gets cooler and everyone moves indoors.

Check out this weeks' posts in case you missed them!
  Catalog Collage Art        Strawberry Sour Cream Smoothie       Yarn Wrapped Bangles (Guest Post)

Also, my oldest, Haley, started preschool this week! Wow, time flies...I remember when she was sitting in her high chair babbling to us. She begged me to leave on the first day so we could get to school early. No separation anxiety with this girl!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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