Monday, July 22, 2013

CRAFT: Easy Flip Flop Fix (Just Add Straps!)

My four-year-old daughter unfortunately inherited my balance...or lack thereof. We both have problems walking on flat surfaces, and during the summer Haley's knees are covered with band-aids most of the time because of trips and falls. Throw flip flops in the mix, and it's pretty much a disaster!

Haley was given a couple adorable pairs of princess flip flops from a friend for her birthday but after wearing them only once, she was tripping all over the place because they didn't stay on her already unsteady feet. She loves the flip flops and was pretty heartbroken because she couldn't wear them, but then it hit me: straps! All she needed was a couple straps to help her little feet stay in the shoes, so I grabbed some pink elastic and came up with this quick fix.

SUPPLIES: flip flops, elastic, lighter, needle and thread. That's it!

First, cut out 2 pieces of elastic. I can't give you exact measurements because each child's feet are different, but for my daughter's size 11 feet (I know, she has giant feet for being only 4!) I cut about 8 1/2 inches of elastic each. Next, use a lighter to carefully singe each edge to avoid fraying.

Fold your elastic around your shoe strap. Double up your thread, then thread your needle and sew a row or two of stitches close to the edge of your elastic. Repeat for the other side.

Done! Couldn't be easier, and now my daughter can wear her flip flops that would have never gotten worn otherwise. Yay for quick fixes and saved flip flops!

**After I finished this project and post, what do you know, Andrea from The Train to Crazy posted a link on Facebook to the exact same project by Delia on Delia Creates from 2010! I guess we both have clumsy children in need of souped up flip flops :)**

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  1. that's a cute idea! they still look nice, only they're friendlier :)

  2. Great idea! I need to remember this for next year!

  3. Thanks for linking to Take-A-Look Tuesday over at Sugar Bee Crafts - I featured you today!

  4. Just discovered that I now have this problem with my kid in size 11 flip flops. Did a Google search and your post was one that came up! How fun! :) I just purchased some elastic, so I'll be attempting this fix asap. Thanks for posting! <3


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