Monday, September 24, 2012

CRAFT: DIY Vintage Dollhouse Spice Rack

I bought this vintage aluminum dollhouse last year at a flea market for $15.  I couldn't resist!  I had no idea what to do with it, though, so it sat in a cabinet while I rummaged through ideas filed away in my imagination.  Finally, I came up with a spice rack... random, I know.. but I am thrilled with how it turned out!  The best part is that these little houses are surprisingly common.  I just saw one last week at an estate sale.

Mine was rather rusty, hence the overhaul with spray paint.
I couldn't possibly have let a child play with this...

I primed and sprayed the exterior, save the roof.  I wanted the glue for the shingles to adhere properly.

These were about $20 for the bag, but completely worth it. It completely transformed the look of the house.

You will be surprised how easy it is to shingle a little roof!  I used a glue gun and that's it!

You won't need much stain at all.  I actually just used a little sample can.

Painters tape and chalkboard paint can turn a $1 jar into an adorable little spice container!  Or you could use the chalkboard vinyl and cut labels out with your Silhouette or Cricut!

I have a lot of spices!!

If you have chalk markers, it might work better and not look so much like you let your 3 year old niece label them with sidewalk chalk.

I staggered my jars so it would be easier to see the labels.

You can never ever go wrong with some little succulents.

Check out our link party page to see where we link up each week!


  1. What a cute idea! I think I had a dollhouse just like the one you bought, when I was a little girl. Wow! Fun to see that again and to see what you did with it to make it useful! :-)

    1. Thank you! I had this sitting in a cabinet for so long before I figured out what to do with it! I'm so happy with the results, though!

  2. I just found you via Shwin&Shwin's link up party! And I am so happy I did! What a lovely project and great blog you ladies have! Can't wait to see more stuff from you!


  3. That is so awesome! I love how it looks on your shelving and those little spice bottles are too cute! Pinning asap!

  4. Oh my gosh! I love it! So cute using old doll house. Love your creativity.

  5. That is too cute!!! My sisters and I had that exact doll house growing up and LOVED it!!! I wonder if it is still around my parents home......I might need to save it next time I am home. Heehee!!! ;)

    1. Thanks, Stacey! You should definitely salvage your dollhouse and do something fun with it!!

  6. As a fan of dollhouses and miniatures - I LOVE THIS!! It looks fantastic in your kitchen, too. Great job!!



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