Saturday, April 2, 2016

Personalized Hand-Drawn Mother's Day Notes #MichaelsMakers

Hand Drawn Mother's Day Notes

This month's #MichaelsMakers challenge was involving Mother's Day.  I, myself, don't have kids, but I have nieces and nephews and a mother that teaches pre-school.  So when I thought of this, my niece LOVED the idea and my mom is even going to do this with her entire class!

I designed a free printable that you can have your significant other do with the kids FOR YOU!  Or if you teach, take it to school, let your kids fill it out and send it home to surprise their moms!

Once they're filled out, get some laminating paper from Michaels so you can keep these precious little gems FOREVER!

Hand Drawn Mother's Day Notes

Hand Drawn Mother's Day Notes

Make sure to check out all the awesome ideas that the other Michaels Makers have to offer!